DSA Floresta

What is BioMA Carbono Project?


BioMA Carbono project was developed by C3 Ambiental aiming at the conservation of the Atlantic Forest and all its diversity of species. Within BioMA Carbono, we valorize rural landowners and traditional communities dwelling in the Atlantic Forest biome that have the desire to maintain protected forests on their lands.

Why preserving Atlantic Forest?


The Atlantic Forest is one of the most important forests in the world due to its classification of biodiversity “hotspot”, that is, Atlantic Forest is home to a large number of animals and plants species that only occur there (and nowhere else in the world), and that has already lost more than ¾ of its original vegetation. Today the Atlantic Forest shelters only 12.4% of its natural formation.


How are rural producers valorized in this project?​


Brazil is one of the protagonists when it comes to combating climate change. Not only because of its forests that help regulate the climate and capture carbon from the atmosphere, but also because of its important commitments worldwide, such as restoring 12 million hectares of native forests by 2030. For this goal to be met, the role of rural landowners is fundamental, both to keep existing forests standing, and also to promote the restoration of permanent preservation areas (APP), legal reserves (RL) and other areas with low agricultural suitability.

The BioMA Carbono project plans to remunerate rural producers through payment for environmental services provided (PSA), valorising the traditional and cultural knowledge of those involved, and also train participants within the theme of sustainable forest use.


If you have forests on your property and want to keep them protected, join us. Participate in the BioMA Carbono Project!​

Connecting environmental preservation with social development is C3’s most ambitious goal.

To achieve this challenge, we have the following objectives:

Conserving and restoring forests

Preserving the biodiversity

Valorizing rural areas

Stopping global warming
