Vanessa Fuentes
Executive Director and Project Manager

Biologist with a master’s degree in Plant Biodiversity and Environment at the Instituto de Botânica of São Paulo State (IBt/SP) and a PhD in Evolution and Diversity at the Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC, Brazil), has knowledge in distinct areas of life science such as plant physiology, ecology, evolution and plant genetics. As a researcher, she studied how drought impact genotypic plasticity and growth of native and commercial plants, in order to understand existing coping mechanisms of plants against climate change. She also has experience with environmental education working as a volunteer on a project that aimed forest management and spring water protection in indigenous community. Moreover, has professional experience as a consultant in forestry and plant nursery. Motivated by the desire to develop solutions focused on the mitigation of the damages caused by climate change, co-founded C3 Inteligência Ambiental where has been working on the implementation of projects of preservation of natural resources aiming sustainable development, spreading the culture of C3.
Fernanda Centeno
Operational and Environmental Manager
Biologist with a master’s degree in Biotechnology (USP), Ph.D. in Zoology (UNESP – Rio Claro) and post-doctorate in Ecology (University of Otago, New Zealand), has extensive knowledge in community ecology with an emphasis on conservation. Also, she has great experience in fieldwork in different Brazilian biomes, carrying out research as a collaborator and environmental consultant. Has already worked on the elaboration of management plans in protected areas of Brazil, biodiversity surveys, and environmental impact studies (EIA/RIMA, RAP) for the licensing of human activities such as wastewater treatment plant, landfills, hydroelectric plants, among others. Throughout the academic and professional career, she accumulated immense knowledge about ecological interactions and decided to take this scientific knowledge to the rural environment in order to turn rural life and nature conservation compatible with the rational use of resources. Fan of the green economy co-founded the company C3 Inteligência Ambiental with the aim of bringing social and economic benefits to rural communities by mitigating environmental risks and ecological scarcity. She is responsible for the viability and operation of C3 projects, ensuring credibility and security in the company’s actions in the socio-environmental sphere.

Fabíola Centeno
Planning Manager and ESG Consultant

Production engineer, graduated at Faculdade de Engenharia Industrial (FEI), with 15 years of experience in automotive industry, working in areas such as research and development, project management, investment planning, cost planning and product marketing. Seeking better quality of life, she changed the office for the farm, and since then dedicate herself to activities such as: seedling production, organic farming, beekeeping, permaculture studies, agroforestry, biodynamics, and bioconstruction. Mainly, she believes that acting locally we generate positive impacts globally, so, we can regenerate our forests, generate wealth, and reduce the global warming impacts. For that reason, she is proud to be part of C3 Ambiental, acting in the areas of project management and socio-environmental relationship.
Aurélien Vivancos
Head of Development and Technology
Biologist with a master in freshwater ecosystem from the Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (France), and a PhD in Ecology from the University of Otago (New Zealand). His line of research includes ecology of freshwater ecosystem with an emphasis on freshwater fish. He just completed a three-years postdoc at the University of Concepcion (Chile), where he studied the impact of hydroelectric dams on the ecology of native fish. During his academic career, he acquired a solid experience in data analysis, including modelling and machine learning, digital imaging and spatial analysis. As a consultant he also has a significant experience on environmental diagnostic of aquatic ecosystem and monitoring of fish populations. For example, he organized and carried out a large-scale sampling of New Zealand rivers in order to validate environmental DNA (eDNA) as a tool to identify the impact of land-use on freshwater invertebrates. Throughout his career, he realized that one of the best ways to protect freshwater ecosystems is to work on mitigating the effect of climate change, and one of the most potent approach to do so is to improve land-use in rural areas. From this observation, he co-founded C3 Inteligência Ambiental, with the objective of developing tools that will help landowners mitigating the environmental impact from land-use and valorize the ecosystem services provided by its land, in particular carbon sequestration.

Danilo Centeno
Mentor of Research and Development